Intersections of the Practices: Linguistic, Social, Legal
CONVENORS: Weronika Dzięgielewska, Wojciech Rzepiński
We would like to propose the following research questions as a way of elaborating these issues. Of course, we are also open for individual interpretations of the suggested topic.
- How do the different social practices intersect?
- Is the talk about practice inherent for the positivist outlook on law?
- Does the claim that different social practices intersect belong to the positivist or nonpositivist theories of law?
- What do the different social practices have in common?
- Is there a common core of the social practices?
- Are the legal/social/linguistic practices unified?
- Is practicing law (understood as activities of legal professionals) a part of the legal practice?
- In which ways are the practices normative? Are they normative in the same way?
- Why do we deploy notion of the practices? What purposes does it serve?
- Can practices have a compounding effect, e.g. of compounding injustice? Do some practices have compounding effect on other practices?
- How do the thought and talk about reasons relate to the talk about practices?
- What is (if there is) a correspondence between practical reasoning and social practices?
- Does existence of a practice presuppose existence of a certain social structure or is a social structure generated by the practices?
- Is the argument from legal practice significant in legal argumentation?
- Are there any interdependencies between legal practice and legal scholarship?
- Which methods of inquiry are most suited for researching social practices?"
We would like to ask the participants of the Congress, interested in participating in our workshop, to submit a short abstract of 400 words until 30th of April. We plan to inform the selected speakers about the specific program of the workshop until the end of May.