President’s Plenary Panel  
President’s Plenary Panel
The panel will discuss the – perhaps bitter – lessons of the tragedy unfolding in Ukraine for the philosophy of law after the country was attacked by the Russian Federation. The panelists are legal philosophers from Ukraine.
Sergiy Maximov
War in Ukraine as a Tragedy of the 21st Century
Sergiy Maksymov is Professor at the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) and Chief Researcher at the Institute of State Building and Local Self-Government of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine. Editor-in-Chief of academic journal “Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law” (founded in 2012)

Academic degrees: MA in Philosophy (1978), PhD in Philosophy (1985), MA in Law (1996), Doctor of Legal Science (2002), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (2012).

Areas of academic activity: philosophy of law, social and political philosophy, general theory of law, methodology of jurisprudence, history of legal thought, theory of constitutionalism.

Author of books: "Legal Reality: The Experience of Philosophical Reasoning" (2002), "Philosophy of Law: Modern Interpretations" (2010, 2012), co-author of books (main): "Immanuel Kant: Heritage and Project" (co-author, Moscow-Berlin, 2007), "The Legal System of Ukraine: Past, Present, and Future" (2008 - Ukrainian, 2011 - Russian, 2013 - English), "Legal consciousness and legal culture as basic factors of the state-building process in Ukraine" (2009), "Non-classical philosophy of law: questions and answers" (2013), "Legal Doctrine of Ukraine" (2013), "Ukrainian Legal Doctrine" (London, 2015 - English), "Postclassical ontology of law" (2016), "Argumentation in law and morality" (2018), “Legal science of Ukraine: current state, challenges and prospects of development” (2020) and many academic articles on the problems of the nature of law, natural law theory and legal positivism, phenomenology of law, foundations of law, legal consciousness and legal education, human rights in universal and cultural perspectives, rule of law and law-ruled society, legal values and others.

He translated into Ukrainian and Russian and published in journals articles of contemporary philosophers of law: Robert Alexy, Aulis Aarnio, Eugenio Bulygin, Jürgen Habermas, Stephan Kirste, David Luban, Bjarne Melkevik, Enrico Pattaro, Mortimer Sellers, Nigel Simmonds, John Tasioulas and others.

Co-editor the book: Eugenio Bulygin. The Selected Writings in Theory and Philosophy of Law. Transl. from English, German, Spanish. S.-Petersburg: Alef-Press, 2016.

Chairman of the Editorial Board Vol. 2: Philosophy of Law: Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 volumes. Kharkiv: Law, 2017.

Vice President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy,

Vice President of the Kharkiv Law Society. Participated in IVR Congresses since 2003 (Lund, 21th) to present (Bucharest, 30th).

Yiulia Razmetaeva
Between Reality and Denial of Reality: When War Came to Your Home
Yulia Razmetaeva is Head of the Center for Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University and an Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. She is also Fellow at CEU Democracy Institute (DI) in Budapest.

Yulia is the author of two books: “Human Rights as a Fundamental Value of Civil Society” (2013) and “Doctrine and Practice of Human Rights Protection” (2018). Since 2016, she has been an expert on national and international projects dedicated to law, values and technology. In 2020-2021 it was a project Applying Human Rights to Digital Tech.

Her research interests include the human rights issues in digital age, law, ethics and digital technologies relation. She has authored or co-authored articles on these topics in journals such as Phenomenology and Mind, TalTech Journal of European Studies, Access to Justice in Eastern Europe. Her recent publications include “The Loss of Experience in Digital Age: Legal Implications” (2021, Satokhina, N.), “Privacy protection in the digital age: a criminal law perspective” (2021, in co-authorship with Marcinauskaitė, R.) and “The Right to Be Forgotten in the European Perspective” (2020).

Natalia Satokhina
Phenomenology of Peace and War: Experience of Law and Experience of Lawlessness
Natalia Satokhina teaches philosophy of law at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. She works in the field of phenomenology and hermeneutics of law. Her recent publications include “‘The Loss of Experience’ in Digital Age: Legal Implications” (2021), “A Hermeneutic Account of Normativity of Law” (2021), “Introduction to the Hermeneutic Theory of Natural Law” (2021), “The Experience of Law: Collection of Articles and Essays” (2019). She is an executive secretary of Ukrainian journal “Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law”.

Olena Uvarova
Corporate Dimension of Human Rights Obligations in Times of the War
Olena Uvarova. PhD in Law (2010), Associate Professor. I am teaching courses on General Jurisprudence, Human Rights, Rule of Law, Comparative Legal Studies. I was also the developer of the courses on Tolerance in the Post-Conflict Societies (in 2016), Gender Equality (in 2018) and Business and Human Rights (in 2019) for my University. Since 2018, I lead the International Lab on Business and Human Rights at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine).

I have more than 19 years of experience in human rights (as national and international consultant in the UN Women in Ukraine, Council of Europe, OSCE, USAID, UNDP, UNICEF projects). I have been working for more than five years in the field of business and human rights in Ukraine and in Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. I have been also actively involved in international and regional initiatives on BHR issues led by: the UN Working group on business and human rights; Global BHR Scholars Association; Business and Human Rights Resource Center; Danish Institute for Human Rights and others.

During the last 5 years I have played a pro-active role in advancing implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Ukraine. I was the author of the National Baseline Assessment on Business and Human Rights in Ukraine in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and based on the methodology developed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights and ICAR. I have co-founded the Central and Eastern European Association on Business and Human Rights to advance peer-to-peer learning and networking across the region (together with Beata Faracik, Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business, and Jernej Cerncic, Nova University, Slovenia). We have already been relying on this network when e.g. co-organizing with the UN Working Group on BHR and developments in region sessions during the UN Forum on BHR. I am guest Co-Editor of the Special Issue on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe for ‘Business and Human Rights Journal’ (Cambridge University Press) and member of the Editorial board of this journal.

Many initiatives on Business and Human Rights were implemented by my coordination on the national, regional and international level, in particular: Human Rights and Business were subjects of the panel discussions during Annual Kharkiv Legal Forum in 2017-2021 (representatives from 30 countries participated); Co-organizing of the special session on BHR in Eastern Europe during the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in 2020 and 2021; Organizing of the side event on forced labor and migration in the context of corporate accountability during the 1st Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia; Co-organizing of the Regional consultation on international investment agreements and human rights initiated by the UN Working group on Business and Human Rights (April 2021); Co-organizing the BHR week initiated by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights on 10th Anniversary of the UN Guiding Principles in Business and Human Rights (June 2021); Within the Erasmus plus project HRLAW the manual on Business and Human Rights was developed and published (the first BHR manual in Ukraine).

Dmytro Vovk
The Russian-Ukrainian War, Religion and Human Rights
Dmytro Vovk runs the Center for the Rule of Law and Religion Studies in Ukraine. He teaches law at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University and the Ukrainian Catholic University. He was Kenan-Fulbright Fellow at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and a visiting researcher at Brigham Young University J. Reuben Clark Law School.

Vovk was and is a rule of law, constitutional-law, and religious freedom expert for several international organizations, including UN Population Fund and OSCE/ODIHR. Since 2019, Vovk has been serving as a member of the OSCE/ODIHR Expert Panel on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

He has published extensively on the rule of law in post-Soviet countries, law and religion, and church-state relations. His recent publications include, as an author, “Soviet Law and Political Religion” (forthcoming in Cambridge University Press), “‘Judges Have a Political Sense:’ The Constitutional Court of Ukraine’s Jurisprudence in Politically Sensitive Cases” (2021), as an editor, “Religion during the Russia-Ukrainian Conflict” (Routledge, 2019), as a translator, Paul Gowder’s “The Rule of Law in the Real World” (2019). Vovk co-edits a blog “Talk About: Law and Religion.”

Oleksiy Stovba
Is Law Possible during the War? Specificity of the Corporal Experience
Oleksiy Stovba is Dr. of Legal Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Law (Humanities and Law Faculty) at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute», Member of Editorial Council of academic journal “Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law” (founded in 2012).

Academic degrees: MA in Law (2002), PhD in Law (2005), Doctor of Legal Science (2017).

Areas of academic activity: philosophy of law, social and political philosophy, general theory of law, phenomenology and hermeneutics of law, history of legal thought.

Author of books: "Legal Situation as Origin of Law’s Being" (2006), "The Temporal Ontology of Law" (2017); co-author of books (main): "Non-classical philosophy of law: questions and answers" (Chief redactor, 2013), "Postclassical ontology of law" (2016), “The Experience of Law” (2019); author of many academic articles on the problems of the nature of law, natural law theory, legal existentialism, phenomenology and hermeneutics of law, foundations of law, temporal ontology of law, and others.

He translated from German and English into Ukrainian and Russian and published in journals articles and of contemporary philosophers of law: Werner Maihofer, Erik Wolf, Erich Fechner, Gerhart Husserl, Arthur Kaufmann, Eugenio Bulygin, Enrico Pattaro, Kurt Seelmann, and others.

The first translator into Russian works of Eugenio Bulygin, which are the part of the book: Eugenio Bulygin. The Selected Writings in Theory and Philosophy of Law. Transl. from English, German, Spanish. S.-Petersburg: Alef-Press, 2016.

Co-author of the Vol. 2: Philosophy of Law: Great Ukrainian legal encyclopedia: in 20 volumes. Kharkiv: Law, 2017.

Participated in IVR Congresses since 2005 (Granada) to present time

Chair: Matthias Mahlmann, IVR President, University of Zurich