Elisabeth Holzleithner
Elisabeth Holzleithner
Elisabeth Holzleithner is Professor of Legal Philosophy and Legal Gender Studies and the Speaker of the interdisciplinary Research Platform GAIN – Gender: Ambivalent In_Visibilities at the University of Vienna. She serves as Head of the Department of Legal Philosophy, as Vice Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Law, and she is Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Doctoral School Advanced Research School in Law and Jurisprudence (ARS Iuris). She is also a member of the Board of editors of the Journals “Gender”, “Rechtsphilosophie. Zeitschrift für Grundlagen des Rechts“ (Legal Philosophy. Journal for Foundations of the Law) and “Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte” (Journal for Human Rights).
Her research is located in the fields of legal & political philosophy, legal gender & queer studies, as well as law, literature & popular culture. Recent publications in English: Law and justice: intersectional dimensions, in: Kathy Davis/Helma Lutz (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Intersectionality, New York and London: forthcoming 2022; Subversion from Within: Opposition to Gender Equality in the Court of Justice of the European Union, in: Mieke Verloo (ed.), Varieties of Opposition to Gender Equality in Europe. Theory, Evidence and Practice, New York and London: Routledge 2018, 135-153; Gender Equality and Physical Requirements, in: European Equality Law Review 2017/1, 13-22; "The Game is Rigged": Fictions of Lawyering, in: Hiebaum, Christian/Knaller, Susanne/Pichler, Doris (Hg.), Recht und Literatur im Zwischenraum/Law and Literature In-Between: Aktuelle inter- und transdisziplinäre Zugänge/Contemporary Inter- and Transdisciplinary Approaches, Bielefeld: transcript Lettre 2015, 287-303. For a complete list of her publications and activities go to https://ucris.univie.ac.at/portal/en/persons/elisabeth-holzleithner(9a33af4e-5ad5-457d-90a6-2b99d7b1b093)/publications.html
She has recently received two notable Awards for her work: “Gabriele Possanner-Staatspreis für wissenschaftliche Leistungen in der Geschlechterforschung” (State Award for Scientific Achievements in Gender Studies, Austrian Ministry of Science) 2017; and Frauenring-Preis für Engagement für Frauenanliegen und Verdienste um Geschlechtergleichstellung (Award for Commitment to Women's Issues and Services to Gender Equality) 2017.