Elisabeth Holzleithner
Elisabeth Holzleithner
Her research is located in the fields of legal & political philosophy, legal gender & queer studies, as well as law, literature & popular culture. Recent publications in English: Law and justice: intersectional dimensions, in: Kathy Davis/Helma Lutz (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Intersectionality, New York and London: forthcoming 2022; Subversion from Within: Opposition to Gender Equality in the Court of Justice of the European Union, in: Mieke Verloo (ed.), Varieties of Opposition to Gender Equality in Europe. Theory, Evidence and Practice, New York and London: Routledge 2018, 135-153; Gender Equality and Physical Requirements, in: European Equality Law Review 2017/1, 13-22; "The Game is Rigged": Fictions of Lawyering, in: Hiebaum, Christian/Knaller, Susanne/Pichler, Doris (Hg.), Recht und Literatur im Zwischenraum/Law and Literature In-Between: Aktuelle inter- und transdisziplinäre Zugänge/Contemporary Inter- and Transdisciplinary Approaches, Bielefeld: transcript Lettre 2015, 287-303. For a complete list of her publications and activities go to https://ucris.univie.ac.at/portal/en/persons/elisabeth-holzleithner(9a33af4e-5ad5-457d-90a6-2b99d7b1b093)/publications.html
She has recently received two notable Awards for her work: “Gabriele Possanner-Staatspreis für wissenschaftliche Leistungen in der Geschlechterforschung” (State Award for Scientific Achievements in Gender Studies, Austrian Ministry of Science) 2017; and Frauenring-Preis für Engagement für Frauenanliegen und Verdienste um Geschlechtergleichstellung (Award for Commitment to Women's Issues and Services to Gender Equality) 2017.