Tetsu Sakurai
Tetsu Sakurai
Affiliation: Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University, Japan
Address: 1-2-1 Tsurukabuto, Nada, Kobe, 657-8501 Japan
Telephone: +81 0(78) 803 7439; Fax: +81 (0)78 803 7509
E-mail: sakurait@kobe-u.ac.jp

Current Position
Professor of Contemporary Jurisprudence

Academic Degrees
1985: LL.B. Faculty of Law, Kanazawa University
1987: LL.M. Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University
2010: LL.D. Kansai University

Academic Career
1990-92: Lecturer, College of Liberal Arts, Kobe University
1992-95: Lecturer, Faculty of Cross-cultural Studies, Kobe University
1995-2007: Associate Professor, Faculty of Cross-cultural Studies, Kobe University
2007-: Professor of Contemporary Jurisprudence, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University

Positions of Responsibility
2000-2014: Member of the Executive Committee, Japanese Society for British Philosophy
2001-: Member of the Executive Committee, Japan Association of Legal Philosophy
2008-2012: President of IVR Japan (Japan Section of the Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie)
2011-2019: Member of the Executive Committee, IVR
2012-2014: University Senator, Kobe University
2012-2014: Vice Dean, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
2014-2016: Advisor to the President, Kobe University
2016-2019: Dean, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
2019-2021: Dean, Faculty of Global Human Sciences, Kobe University
2021-: Director of University Library

Current Research Interests
Global Justice, International Migration, Liberal Eugenics

Publications: Books
(co-edited with Mauro Zamboni) Can Human Rights and Nationalism Coexist Singapore: Routledge. forthcoming. (co-edited with USAMI Makoto) Global Justice and Human Rights (Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie Beiheft 139). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. 167pp. 2014.
(co-edited with TAKESHITA Ken et al.) Legal Philosophy and Ideas for Beginners (in Japanese). Kyoto: Minerva Publishing. 306pp. 2010.
Liberal Eugenics and Justice (in Japanese). Kyoto: Nakanishiya Publishing. 260pp. 2007.
(co-edited with IWAI Jun et al.) Dictionary of British Philosophy and Thought (in Japanese), (Written Articles: Progress, Eugenics). Tokyo: Kenkyusha. 762pp. 2007.
(co-edited with MORIGIWA Yasutomo and ISHIYAMA Fumihiko) Universal Minority Rights A Transnational Approach (Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie Beiheft 96), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. 126pp. 2004.

Publications: Articles
‘The Borders of Law’, in H. Takikawa ed. Rule of Law and Democracy (Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie Beiheft 161), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, pp.41-57. 2019.
‘The Rousseauan Agreement as a Requirement for Democracy’, in E. Schweighofer et al. eds. Formalising Jurisprudence: Festschrift for Hajime Yoshino. Bern: Editions Weblaw. pp.287-305. 2019.
‘Why Do Japanese Lay Judges Continue to Pass the Death Sentence: The Ethics of State-sanctioned Killing’, International Symposium on Judicial Justice, The Department of Justice, Republic of Turkey. pp. 544-556. 2017.
‘Should Society Guarantee Individuals the Right to Maintain "Normal Functioning" A Genetic Minimalist Approach in a Globalized World’, in M. Albers, T. Hoffmann and J. Reinhardt eds. Human Rights and Human Nature. Dordrecht: Springer. pp.217-234. 2014.
‘Is a Human Right to Democracy Justifiable’ Philosophy Study. vol.3, No.11, pp.983-996, 2013.
‘Liberal Eugenics Faces the Challenge of Global Justice’ (in Japanese), Intercultural Studies (Kobe University), vol. 35, pp. 41-72, 2010.
‘The Conflict between the Ideas of Life over Liberal Eugenics’ (in Japanese), SANADA Yoshiaki ed., Legal Culture of Life and Death, Tokyo: Sekai Shoin Publishing, pp. 163-196, 2010.
‘Historical Roots and Development of the Concept of Person’ (in Japanese), INOUE Tatsuo ed., Lectures on Contemporary Jurisprudence, Tokyo: Shinzansha Publishing, pp. 27-53, 2009.
‘Samuel Pufendorf’ (in Japanese), KATSUTA Aritsune and YAMAUCHI Susum eds., Jurists in Modern Europe, Kyoto: Minerva Publishing, pp. 180-95, 2008.
'Darwinism' (in Japanese), TERANAKA Heiji and OHKUBO Masatake eds., Basic Issues of British Philosophy, Tokyo: Kenkyusha Publishing, pp. 148-75, 2005.
‘How Should Law Confront the Development of Science and Technology’ (in Japanese), HASEGAWA Ko and TSUNODA Takeshi eds., Bridge Book: Legal Philosophy, Tokyo: Shinzansha Publishing, pp. 188-215, 2004.
‘The Philosophical Impacts of Kinji Imanishi's Evolutionary Theory on Normative Science’, Intercultural Studies (Kobe University), vol. 22-23, pp. 9-26, 2004.
‘What's Wrong with Taking Human Life’ (in Japanese), Intercultural Studies (Kobe University Society for Intercultural Studies), vol. 7, pp. 83-98, 2002.
‘The Transformation of Environmental Attitudes in the Seventeenth-Century Europe’ (in Japanese), TAKESHITA Ken et al eds., Topics of Legal Ideas: History as Our Compass, Kyoto: Horitsubunkasha Publishing, pp. 103-25, 2000.
‘The Individual in Contemporary Liberal Democracy: Environment, Self-Ownership, and Other Persons’ (in Japanese), The Annals of Legal Philosophy 1998, pp. 76-94, 1999.
‘Pufendorf's Legal Theory: An Outline’ (in Japanese), Intercultural Studies (Kobe University), vol. 10, pp. 25-48, 1998.
‘The Correlation between Empiricism and Social Theory in Humean Philosophy’ (in Japanese), Bulletin of Japanese Society for British Philosophy, vol. 22, pp. 37-51, 1999.
‘An Encounter between Natural Law Theory and Utilitarianism: Cumberland's Benevolence and Common Good’ (in Japanese), Intercultural Studies (Kobe University), vol. 8, pp. 61-88, 1997.
'The Boyle Lectures and Market Society: Environmental Attitudes in the Days of John Locke' (in Japanese), The Hitotsubashi Review, vol. 115, pp.151-70.
'Environmental Crisis and the "Crypto-religion": A Basis of the Modern Concept of Private Property' (in Japanese), KAMO Naoki and TANIMOTO Mitsuo eds., Introduction to Environmental Philosophy, Kyoto: Sekai Shiso Publishing, pp. 76-95, 1994.
'What Lies Ahead of the Control of Nature' (in Japanese), Environmental Technology (Research Institute of Environmental Technology), vol.23, No. 9, pp. 582-85, 1994.
'Samuel Pufendorf's Idea of Entia Moralia' (in Japanese), The Annals of Legal Philosophy 1991, pp. 170-78, 1992.
'The Moral Foundation of Private Property: Labour Theory of Property and Conventionalism' (in Japanese), Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Sciences, vol.15, No.2, pp. 21-48, 1990.
'Labour and Convention in the Idea of Private Property' (in Japanese), The Hitotsubashi Review, vol. 102, pp.123-34, 1989.
'The Idea of Convention in Hume's Philosophy' (in Japanese), Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Sciences, vol.13, No.2, pp. 21-45, 1988.

Other Publications
‘Book Review: Niall Shanks, God, The Devil, and Darwin’, (in Japanese), Bulletin of Japanese Society for British Philosophy, vol. 28, pp. 110-12, 2005.
‘Book Review: Quentin Skinner, Liberty before Liberalism’ (in Japanese), Bulletin of Japanese Society for British Philosophy, vol. 26, pp. 100-102, 2003.
‘Some Remarks on Environmental Philosophy’ (in Japanese), The Annals of Legal Philosophy 1995, pp. 95-99, 1996.
‘Promise’ (in Japanese), KAWAMOTO Takashi et al eds., Micro Ethics, Kyoto: Showado Publishing, pp. 170-72, 1993.
‘Global Warming as a “Tragedy of the Commons”’ (in Japanese), Life Sciences (Association for the Promotion of Life Sciences), vol.20, No. 9, pp. 44-47, 199.
‘Book Review: KATSURAGI Takao, Liberty and Scepticism: Structure and Generation of Hume’s Legal Philosophy’ (in Japanese), The Annals of Legal Philosophy 1988, pp. 168-74, 1989.

Presentations (International)
‘The Borders of Law’, The 1st IVR Japan International Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 2018.
‘The Moral Validity and Political Meaning of Civic Integration’, The 27nd IVR World Congress, Washington DC, United States of America, 2015.
‘Unanimity as a Requirement for Legitimate Democracy’, International Conference Biopolitics of Immigration, University of Sannio, Italy, 2015.
‘Citizenship, Immigrants, and Civic Integration: The Resilience of National Identity’, International Conference RESILIENCE: Evolution of the Concept and Perspectives of Research, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, 2015.
‘Unanimous Convention as a Requirement for Legitimate Democracy’, Conference ‘Normativity and Institution’, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2014.
‘Can We Justify a Human Right to Democracy’ Vitoria Law School, Vitoria, Brazil, 2012.
‘Should Society Guarantee Individuals a Right to Continue ‘Normal Functioning’’, The 25nd IVR World Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2011.
‘Is Liberal Eugenics Refutable in the Globalized World: Liberty, Evolution, and Justice’, The 23nd IVR World Congress, Granada, Spain, 2005.
‘The Impact of a Japanese Theory of Evolution on Legal Philosophy: Darwin versus Kinji Imanishi’, The 22nd IVR World Congress, Lund, Sweden, 2003.
‘The Correlation between Empiricism and the Social Theory in Humean Philosophy’, The 24th Hume Society Conference, Monterey, USA, 1997.
‘Utilitarianism and the Natural Law Tradition: Cumberland on Utility’, The 5th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies, New Orleans, USA, 1997.