Jurists and judges usually connect ends, values, principles and rules in their different ways of argumentation. Hebert Hart advanced some considerations of the connections of end and rules. Ronald Dworkin was remarkable connecting principles, policies and rules. Other authors with quite different backgrounds will develop the legal theory of values (legal axiology).
Also, researchers dedicated to natural law usually analyze the same commonplaces to deduce natural rules and natural rights. Recurrently they focus their attention on some specific elements of reality (e.g., the human being, its possibilities, inclinations, and goods) in order to assess what should be achieved (e.g., happiness, the ultimate end, or human flourishing), what is worthy (e.g., justice, community and freedom), and how it can be done, that is to say, establishing some principles and norms. Observing how they proceed, what kind of methods guide them, we discover that they connect these elements following similar patterns.
This workshop seeks to clarify the nature, scope, and limits of the connection of all these elements.

Registration of proposals
We welcome non-solicited proposals from any philosophical or legal background, to participate in this Special Workshop. To register here, please follow this process:
a) Email the Convenor Prof. Juan Carlos Riofrio (jcriofrio@strathmore.edu), informing about the topic of your conference.
b) Fill out the registration form provided for anyone who wants to participate in the IVR2022 Conference, at https://www.ivr2022.org/registration/.
c) Send an email to the Convenor providing the Title and abstract that were registered on the website.

The registrations deadline is the same provided for all participants of the IVR2022 Conference (see https://www.ivr2022.org/schedule-fees/).